Wednesday 5 February 2014

5 Feb 2014 ...'cos I couldn't think of a heading ;-)


The last two weeks have been slightly chaotic...slightly!
We have moved shop, so taking everything besides the kitchen sink has been an education in logistics!

However I did manage to find the time to read :-D !!!
I am now on book 5, Wit'ch Star of The Banned & the Banished series!

James Clemen's does a fine job in wrapping up the series. I'm almost putting off reading the rest of it 'cos I know I'm going to suffer the worst book hangover after, but not for long...Keegan my trusty sidekick (he would prefer being the superhero) has gotten me Dan Brown's Inferno, James Rollins' Amazonia & The Devil Colony. keep an eye out for those reviews.

The sidekick and I are off to a Pan Macmillan presentation at The Square tomorrow to hear about this year's releases...exciting stuff! Looking forward to a great venue, great hosts & great books!

I aim to finish Wit'ch Star by the week's end and then I'm off for a 'fun in the sun' weekend with my galpals, where I plan to relax and unwind at the poolside! Hopefully they'll allow me to carry some poolside reading...

Chat soon...


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