My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Calling all fans of ANGEL, BTVS, SUPERNATURAL, GRIMM or anything spooky!
This novel has flavor!
Add a colorful city, rich local folklore and superstitions, a drunk sarcastic dog, some supernaturals, a dead boss and an occult detective and what do you get? The immensely enjoyable POISON CITY.
Paul Crilley spoke to my inner geek with his hilarious debut novel, following London Tau, his alcoholic spirit guide, Dog and his once dead, now resurrected boss, Armitage, as they hunt down the latest threat to the balance between the the "day" and "night" sides. The dark side, which is inhabited by African folk creatures, the fay, spirits and creatures of the occult; and day, blissfully ignorant humans.
After uncovering a few clues at what seemed like a routine murder case of a vampire, London finds a link between his case and the murderer of his young child. A person who has never been brought to justice. He is faced with solving the crime and keeping the peace or, catching the killer of his beloved daughter. He faces demons of his own as he's not sure which to do!
As a native Durbanite, I devoured his descriptions of my city and can admire his skill to make both the good and the bad rich in character!
All in all, this was a most fun read.
I am a super-fan of Dog!
Paul Crilley, please give us more!
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