Tuesday 25 October 2016

Grief by Kashna Dass

All sanity has disappeared now that hysteria has taken over,
Frothing and bubbling as it pulls me into its mire,
Pain is my only tangible thread to life,
The irony doesn’t escape me.

Memories of laughter and happiness bring endless pain
The gaping wound gets wider with every breath,
Bleeding slowly, its ragged edges raw.
My agony knows no bounds.
Will this loss echo further than me?
The death of the future,
An enquiring mind that will no longer question,
Will only I notice? 

Thoughts of missed milestones break me,
I’m shattered into a million pieces,
Pieces that will never fit as a whole again,
Now I am the one questioning.

Fear and despair have united like the old friends they are,
Sorrow has clenched this fragile heart,
My need to embrace the warmth of life lost,
This futility, is my undoing.

Helpless and hopeless the light inside me has perished
My time, measured only by my heartbeats.
The days and nights ahead are already lost into oblivion
Now I ache to be swallowed by blackness.

Best “New” African Poets 2016 Anthology Entry

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