Thursday 3 July 2014

E-Readers...the ups & downs.

I have gotten stuck into some really awesome reads recently and have completely forgotten I have a blog to post.

These awesome books have actually been e-books. I shall blog about them in my next post but for now I'm going to tell you the pros & cons of reading off a tablet.

I was put off by the back light etc. but reading on an actual e-reader has been fantastic.

I highly recommend it for fiction. All your books can be stored on a lightweight device as opposed to lugging around a huge book bag (which I have been known to do)!

It’s great for reading at night; you can change the font size & colour (I don’t have to wear my glasses-BONUS).

I can read anywhere, everywhere, even while pretending to be working ;-)

Those maybe the many virtues of the e-reader but I do have a few downers...

You can't really read a business or textbook on it especially if you want to quickly refer to something you've read previously!

The battery lasts me seven hours and if I'm travelling and not near a charger or laptop, I'm left stranded without something to read...

And...I can't read in the tub  L

I can live with the cons but I also refuse to give up actual books. I get high at the euphoria of all of my senses being engaged!


Keep an eye out for my next post with a few reviews from my current reading list. J

Till Next Time,

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