Monday 24 June 2019

Review: Take It Back by Kia Abdullah


Kia Abdullah has done something important here.

Zara Kaleel, ex barrister, now working as a volunteer at Artemis House, a sexual assault referral centre to support rape victims, is handed the case of Jodie Wolf, a disfigured white teen accusing four Muslim boys of the unthinkable. Rape.

The case gets to trial and soon becomes the cause of racial tensions. You as the reader vascilate between Jodie and the accused, as well as get immersed in Zara's sub-plot.

Without giving away spoilers, Kia Abdullah lights a fuse, which sputters and just when you think it has been snuffed out, you get suckered by the lethal explosion.

There are various themes running throughout. On a deeper level, and as a brown woman reading this I understand what Kia is trying to say with this novel.

This a firm 5 ⭐